This honey is generally dark in colour, sometimes even black, and is very viscous. The main trees in the forest that provide honey are the pine, fir, oak and chestnut. Over many years, bees have developed a mutually beneficial relationship with the forest, resulting in the production of high quality honey for our consumption.
Forest honey has numerous properties that make it particularly beneficial to our well-being. Abundant in essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sodium, it provides a significant boost to the functioning of our body. In addition, it contains essential vitamins and antioxidants, which not only offer protective benefits, but also have a calming and healing impact on conditions such as throat irritation, digestive discomfort and flu.
The combination of organic forest honey with saffron (Safran) offers anti-cancer action and acts as a tonic, invigorating and aphrodisiac! It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action while also strengthening the immune system!